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Tuesday Jun 16, 2009

Tuesday Jun 16, 2009


CHALLENGE: Is the following excerpt (taken from the book entitled the "Curriculum" which is copyrighted 2002 Robert Earl DuBose, III.) 'an example of', 'a model for', or 'a formula for' a 'soul mate' relationship, a 'holy' relationship, or a relationship in which happiness is being nurtured? If so, can we create or have or do we want to create or have such a relationship in our lives?

 EXCERPT:  "Imagine, a being with a female earth suit persuasively pretends to be jealous of an interaction between her significant other being in a male earth suit with another female earth suit being. The male earthsuit being has been used to breaking up with and being dumped by beings in female earthsuits who get jealous in the relationship. Upon witnessing this jealous performance by his significant other female earthsuit being, the male earthsuit being immediately becomes fearful-- angry, fearful of another break-up, resentful, etc. The male earthsuit being, rather than (a)staying dysfunctional in fear and (b)either denying or repressing his feelings of fear and (c)necessitating a continuing chain of dysfunctional events and being subject to the unconscious default mode of the divine spiritual law of physics' 'sledgehammer and repetition' phenomena, does something different; he appreciates his significant other for helping him to again feel such fear so that he can consciously reprogram such feelings while in the heat of the fearfulness. He even asks his significant other to assist him in reprogramming such fears with gratitude and thankfulness. At the end of the reprogramming session/interaction, both of the significant others embrace each other in celebration and gratitude. The female earthsuit being exclaims, "I can't wait until the next time you help me to bring up some of my fears for reprogramming." As this couple becomes more and more adept at assisting each other in mastering their fears and attaining a higher self esteem, their relationship blossoms out to include more and more of the world where they assist others to work through their fears and feelings of love and celebration. The couple realizes that experiences and circumstances of perceived pain and fear can be addressed with excitement and eagerness to attain their crown of divinity, their Phd., and finally get to go home. The couple realizes that perceived experiences and circumstances of pain and fear are exciting opportunities to grow and tune into their true divinity. The couple can no longer wait until the next time they can embrace and seize the opportunity to indulge in another experience and circumstance of pain and fear wherein one or both of their emotional fear buttons get pushed. Whheeeeeee yoooooooo wooooooow!!! Their motto becomes, "moment to moment euphoric pleasure, here we come!!!!" To do otherwise is to "build one's house" or "one's relationship" on quick sand (fear) rather than on solid ground (the absence of fear or what this curriculum refers to as a true state of love).
      All rights are reserved in/to the lyrics, words, and audio track playing and/or playable from the audio player located below; the lyrics, words, and music of such audio track are Copyrighted 2009 R.E.DuBose, III.; R.E.DuBose, III. & Ben Coppage are the Copyright owners in/of the sound recording of the music (without the lyrics and words) of such audio track; R.E.DuBose, III. is the Copyright owner in/of the sound recording of the lyrics and words of such audio track.

Copyright 2012 Bob LaMoore. All rights reserved.

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